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Crisis intervention
Our crisis intervention services provide immediate support and guidance for individuals facing crisis situations. With a team of trained professionals, we offer a compassionate and non-judgmental approach to help individuals navigate through difficult and overwhelming circumstances. Whether it's a mental health crisis, domestic violence, or a traumatic event, our goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to find stability and hope. We offer crisis counseling, safety planning, and referrals to additional support services to ensure that individuals receive the help they need during challenging times.
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Advocacy Partners
Check out the links below to see who is working hard to bring about positive policy changes for the registrant community.

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    NARSOL opposes dehumanizing registries by working to eliminate the laws, policies, and practices that propagate them.

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    The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) is dedicated to protecting the Constitution by restoring the civil rights of people listed on the public registries and their families.  In order to achieve that objective, ACSOL will educate and litigate as well as support or oppose legislation.

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    The vision of this organization is to abolish the multiple Registries across this nation. Women Against Registry also seeks to restore Life, Health and Freedom to all individuals who have been injured by the requirements of registration, especially innocent family members. We foresee a day when the suffocating stigma surrounding registration will be removed in favor of proper sentencing coupled with appropriate treatment; a day when the indefinite detention of civil commitment is replaced with compassionate programs designed to heal and restore. We hope for a day when virtually all who have offended against the laws of the land will be given the opportunity to rebuild a decent, honest life with the prospect of rehabilitation, reintegration, and redemption.